Making your own beauty products at home is now more important than ever for a variety of reasons, including wanting to be a more ethical consumer, wanting to save money, wanting to have fun, and wanting to feel in control of what you put on your skin.

Our post on 8 reasons to manufacture your own skincare even though there are plenty to buy will persuade you to give it a try right away if you’ve been considering formulating your own.


Today’s giants of the beauty industry often started with the story of a lone, female entrepreneur working from a kitchen or other makeshift home lab. Women like Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubenstein and Estée Lauder founded the now iconic, global corporations, but they were driven first by an inborn fascination with beauty products.

When you start making that first simple body butter, you may or may not have dreams of growing a hobby into a side hustle and beyond. You may wish to make your own beauty products to be more self-sufficient, to create personal gifts for friends and family, to foster a more sustainable household, sell an artisanal product at a local market or to simply relish the challenge of learning new skills.

Whichever route you take or reasons you have, you will never look at a mainstream commercial beauty brand or its products in the same way. You will always read the ingredients’ labels in detail, think about what those ingredients do for your skin and wonder if you can make your own homemade beauty products rather than buy them.

Our 10 homemade beauty product ideas:

  • Get you started quickly and easily learning to formulate.
  • Are cheap to make as they don’t need any expensive or hard-to-find ingredients.
  • Require equipment you already have at home.
  • Are fun to make and beautiful to use.
  • Help you gain confidence learning some basic skills of natural, organic formulation.
  • Contain just a few ingredients and can be multi-use – in line with the ‘skinimalism‘ trend of less is more.
  • Help you along your path to being a more conscious beauty consumer and formulator.


Our list covers some of the most satisfying, useful and fun beauty products to learn to make at home. Most are anhydrous, which means they do not contain water or water-based ingredients and therefore generally do not require a natural preservative.

The world of botanical oils, butters and waxes is diverse and fascinating and there is plenty to research in this product sector alone. Many of our students have launched their artisan brands with a single hero product made of simple oils and formulated to suit specific skin issues. In our online classroom, we once asked if our students preferred ‘whipped or unwhipped’ body butters and were amazed at the hundreds of replies; evidence that anhydrous formulations are very popular even if among the very first beauty products to make at home.

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